Thursday, October 05, 2006

One Night Stand

This video adds an unexpected twist on the common "what did I do last night?" crawling out of bed scenerio.

I swear, nothing makes me more uncomfortable than seeing a man coming to terms with his own mistakes. There is no happy ending or needless reality in this video clip.

It is just a small glimpse into denial. It's the moment you wake up and realize that the life you are living is so unfamiliar to you that you just need to pick up your pants and run away.

If this bloke looks somewhat familiar, you may have realized that he is Brit. actor Nick Frost. A friend and frequent co-star of Simon Pegg, Frost appeared as his on-screen best friend in my favorite film to be released in the past three years, Shaun of the Dead. The zany zombie feature is comedic genius. I highly recommend that anyone who hasn't seen it should go to the nearest video store or move it up to the top of your Netflick’s list.

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