Monday, January 28, 2008

Internet Party

This week, I was slapped in the face by the popularity of Internet Party video. As a noob to the tech game, I assumed that no one outside of this 7by7 square mile city knows or cares about the dozens of video sites that allow you to search by pet name, favorite color, or most inappropriate moment.

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

What's It Gonna Be?

The other night, I was in a heated conversation about how many online comedians are over producing their rap parodies in a way that makes it seem like they are taking the whole thing way too seriously. Don't get me wrong, their are many artists who dare to be different and their innovation in the space only raises the bar -- Eric Schwartz and Jon Lajoie.

But Does Cherry Chocolate Rain make me laugh longer then a day? Not at all. Do these up-and-coming rap comedians have a chance to lock down the fame of Lazy Sunday or Dick in a Box? Probably not. The result of my rather lengthy conversation brought me back to this gem of a video. An original whitiest rap by comedian Mike O'Connell, What's it Gonna Be? was shot in a single location (your run of the mill dive bar) and never once cuts away from the absurdly laughable performance acted out in front of the lens.

So what's the point? O'Connell didn't have to bust out the bling and his entourage to get his hoes -- he just needed to make them laugh. So maybe what I suggest is that web producers take it back to basics and maybe all the inspiring rockstar comedians will get a little more internet tang.

Saturday, January 12, 2008

Dank and Nank

Short, sweet, and to the point, Dank and Nank is a no-nonsense sitcom: no dramatic fillers, not much plot, lots of laughs.

Danny Bonaduce: Life Coach

Assuring tabloid publishers never go hungry again, Danny Bonaduce helps celebs keep their panties off.