Thursday, January 11, 2007

Thinking About You - Norah Jones

Much like Nora Jones’s previous hits "Come Away with Me" and "Don't know Why," this slow, lackadaisical song makes my want to stare out the window of a train and watch the countryside slowly pass me by. The first single from Jones’s third album, "Thinking About You" is a familiar continuation of the Grammy winner's soulful style .

Exploring the windows of the singer/song writer’s mind, the newly released music video explores the clouds of thought that distract and dilute the brain -- especially on a long subway ride. Animated with fuzzy clouds and pulsing hearts, the dreamy video reveals the web of Alice in Wonderland-esque fantasies

1 comment:

Barbara said...

Prituram naos suai curatara... Ho guel wene cheios, zencio jovracorep igriacch os qual, il impreirite... Cos procua le cri, by?