I love this dark poetic piece. Created in 1982, there is something about it that reminds me of every film that Burton has ever has ever done.
Excluding the obvious style of claymation that Burton has crafted and made his own, there are brief moment when you giggle to yourself because an image reminds you of something, that you've seen some where, oh wait...it was in another Burton movie.
The part when Vincent taps his fingers reminds me of Edward Scissorhands and when I saw the smoke in the alley, my anxious mind was waiting for Catwoman to creep out.
I'm a big fan of Poe and Burton and the combination of the two (which I hear maybe happening again in the near future...let me guess, Johnny Depp?)
Another reason why I am enamored by this short is because the over imagination of a small child and clashed with a grim and almost violent twist. I was never that child, but knew a few who fit the character.
Is his dog's name really Abercrombie? Brilliant.
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